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Charm City's Ya' Gotta Regatta: PHRF Pursuit Race

  • 21 Sep 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • DSC Docks and Pavilion


  • All interested skippers can provide their own boats to participate in the race. DSC cruising skippers can choose to race a DSC cruising boat.
  • Sonars can be sailed Spin or Non-spin

Registration is closed

NOTE: We will be using the shortened course posted in the SI's.  Start will be at the "FM" Buoy at 11:30 am.

This “one-day regatta” will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. Pursuit racing using Harbor channel markers and the PHRF system.

Eligibility:  DSC Members and Non-members.  All participants must sign the DSC liability waiver and the purpose of this regatta is to raise funds to support DSC's Community and Accessible Programs.

Docking will be provided for all participating boats for the party and awards ceremony.



11:00AM PHRF check-in

first boat off at 11:30AM

Post race party at Little Havana's

Documents and Info:

Notice of Race

Sailing Instructions

US Sailing Protest Form

Arbitration & Scoring Penalty Form