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Project Purpose

Facilitate a student-led exploration of the contributions and participation of African Americans in the maritime industries of the Inner Harbor of Baltimore and surrounding community. Primarily focusing on the Inner Harbor and points accessed from the water within the sailing area of the Downtown Sailing Center.

Project Outcomes
  1. Student-led group exploration and research into the impacts of African Americans in the maritime industries of the Inner Harbor of Baltimore.

  2. A lesson plan developed to deliver an historical narrative of these impacts and contributions to participants in Downtown Sailing Center Outreach programs.

  3. A web-based presentation of this information to endure after the project's completion.

Student Group

The student researchers will be members of Downtown Sailing Center’s Young Mariners Program

Project Timeline

Phase One of the project will be completed by the end of the 2023 Young Mariners Program. Phase One will consist of initial development of the above listed outcomes, including using the developed lesson plan with outreach groups. Phase Two will be conducted during the summer of 2024 and consist of passing this information to the new cohort of Young Mariners and refining and adding to content developed the previous summer.

Project Implementation

The primary information and research gathering will be conducted in weeks 4, 5, and 6 of the Young Mariners Program, with the plan of piloting the  historical narrative  in week 7. At least two hours a week in weeks 1, 2, 3 will be provided for planning.

The Baltimore Heritage Sailing Program is managed by the Baltimore National Heritage Area and financed through funds from the National Park Service & U.S. Department of Interior



Project Coordinator

Frank Krach

phase one: Project RESEARCH


Phase Two: REference Material Presentations