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Young Mariners Workforce Development Program

Sailing Instructor Training Program

Young Mariners is a workforce development program for Baltimore City high school students, operated by the DSC through our fundraising efforts.

2024 Program Begins June 24!

Throughout the course of an 8-week period in the summer, trainees will learn to sail, build leadership talents through skippering, and soft job skills while getting paid. The experience of sailing can provide a natural environment to foster teamwork and build confidence while enjoying time on the water with peers.  Trainees will have the opportunity to plan a capstone project, possibly including an overnight sailing adventure! After graduating the program, these teenagers will become mentors and role models to other youth through the various Community, STEM, and Junior Programs. Graduates of the program have become head instructors, out-of-school time coaches, and adult instructors; graduates have even had a profound influence on the DSC curriculum and pedagogy. Graduates are also encouraged to utilize their experience in the program as a steppingstone to achieve their career goals.

Our long-term partners for youth recruitment include the Bridges Program at St. Paul's School and three local high schools, Digital Harbor, Coppin Academy, and Cristo Rey, but we have worked with great partners including Boys Hope Girls Hope, Kids Safe Zone, Safe Alternative, and OpenWorks Baltimore.

Mykayla, Morrell, and Head Instructor De'Corer.

This intensive summer job program may include (based on the length of the program, and level of YM commitment):

  • MD Safe Boater and US Powerboating Safe Powerboat Handling Certification
  • US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification
  • American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Certification
  • Public speaking application
  • Coaching practice and application
  • Teaching theory and application, including disabilities awareness training
If you are a Baltimore City resident between the ages of 14 and 16, and are interested in joining this program, please email

Thank you to The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race for awarding us the Educational Grant that made it possible for the Young Mariners to experience a 3-day 2-night capstone trip on Sigsbee from Living Classrooms Foundation!

Special thanks for Video Services provided by 16 West Studio.

Funding support for the program comes from Family League Summer Funding Collaborative, The Mayor's Office of Employment Development, and from the Annapolis Yacht Club Foundation.


The Downtown Sailing Center

Est 1994
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 727-0722 •