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US SAILING: Bareboat Cruising Certification Course

  • 11 Oct 2014
  • 9:00 AM
  • 13 Oct 2014
  • 5:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center
  • 5


Registration is closed
This 3-day, 2-night course US SAILING Basic Cruising and Bareboat Cruising certification course offers you the chance to learn in a real-world environment undefined out on the Chesapeake Bay undefined aboard a 43-foot ketch. You will learn basic coastal navigation, steering, sail trim, proper use of a VHF radio and a variety of other skills, as well as being “captain for a day.” Upon successful completion of this course, you "will have successfully demonstrated the ability to skipper and crew an inboard auxiliary powered cruising sailboat within sight of land and bring it safely to anchor during daylight hours."1

*This course is a continuation of the "US SAILING: Basic Cruising" course (October 9th and 10th).  Attending participants are expected to have at least participated in the Basic Cruising Course prior to the Bareboat certification course. 

For more information regarding the DSC's course offerings, please contact Capt. Phil Schnering at 

1United States Sailing Association (1999). Student Certification Standards: The National Standard for Quality Sailing Instruction. Portsmouth, RI: US SAILING.