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SpinClin: Spinnaker Sail Training for Advanced Sailors

  • 22 Jul 2013
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center
  • 0


Registration is closed
Want to learn how to fly a spinnaker? "What's a spinnaker," you ask? Our SpinClin is for experienced sailors who want to move to the next level and learn about that big kite called the spinnaker. It will be taught by one of our advanced racers!

The spinnaker provides new levels of excitement for both day-sailors and cruisers and opens new avenues for those looking to get involved with racing.

This course is designed for all sailors who are experienced and comfortable with skippering or crewing on small daysailing keelboats downwind on a run. We will be rotating all participants through as many positions as they feel comfortable, so all participants need to be comfortable with the tiller and understand how to sail downwind. If you have any questions about whether you qualify, please email Julia Riddle at