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American Red Cross CPR and First Aid Refresher Course

  • 21 Apr 2013
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • Downtown Sailing Center Conference Room
  • 0


Registration is closed
Have you previously taken CPR and First Aid but your certification is about to expire or has recently expired? Then this is the class for you! 

Kristine Goolsby our certified Red Cross instructor can provide the quick review you need to keep your certification current. The course will cost $30.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members.

Eligibility Requirements for the Refresher:

To participate in a review course, the participant must possess a current American Red Cross certificate (or equivalent) for the course being conducted. Those without a certificate may not participate in the review course option. Individuals may participate in a review course up to 12 months after the expiration of their certificate. During this additional 12 months, the Red Cross considers the certification card to be expired. Individuals whose certificates are past the recognized 12-month validity period may not participate in a review course. They can participate only in a full course or a challenge course.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the office at 410-727-0722, or email Volunteer Coordinator Ariel Fedele: