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Volunteer Registration: Access-Ability Saturday Event

  • 15 Jun 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center "A" Dock


  • You will check in sailors, provide a pfd, and escort them to the assigned area or boat.
  • You will be part of a team to rig/derig Access dinghies (up to 8 boats). You might also assist in helping sailors to enter/exit the boats.
  • You will assist a skipper with providing instruction to sailors, and possibly even participate in a race or 2! Some sailing experience is required (must be able to follow skipper instructions).
  • You might be providing sailing instruction (including "tiller time") to participants (up to 3), and possibly even participating in a race or 2!
  • Training on our manual Hoyer lift is required to fill this role.
  • You provide the safe launching and catching of boats at the dock, or you may be asked to sail on a Hansa as a "buddy". Sailing experience necessary.
Thank you for volunteering for the DSC's Access-ability Saturday sailing sessions. They cannot be run without volunteer support and commitment, and you are truly appreciated!

The day will begin promptly at 9:00 AM to muster, set up, rig and splash the Hansa Access Dinghies, and rig keelboats. Sailing participants will arrive at 10:00AM and sail until approximately 12:00 PM. The event will finish by 1:00PM.

The DSC needs volunteers to fill the following positions:

  • Greeters who will help set up, check in and escort participant sailors to the docks
  • Hansa Access Dinghies Riggers (and de-rig) 
  • Sonar 23 Skippers 
  • Sonar 23 crew
  • Safety boat operators/sailing coaches (prior powerboat experience required)
  • Hansa Adaptive Team Committee (prior powerboat experience required)
  • Hoyer lift transfer assistance (training is required)

If you have any further questions about this program, please email

Again, thank you for your commitment to providing adaptive Sailors an opportunity to have access to sailing!