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Dayfleet Work Party

  • 22 Apr 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • DSC 1425 Key Hwy, Baltimore, MD 21230
  • 2


  • Expect to be working overhead from a squatting/kneeling/or sitting position. Bring some work gloves if you have them, but we will provide dust suits and safety gear. Expect to get dirty!
  • Cleaning, Compounding, Waxing, Paint Prep, and Painting.

    You may be working overhead and/or at eye level to accomplish most of this work. We will provide safety gear.

Registration is closed

Saturday Dayfleet Work Party

The time has come to start prepping the fleet 2022 Season. No experience is necessary.  We will provide all needed supplies and tools.  Just bring a positive attitude, and wear something that you don't mind if it gets dirty.  

We plan to accomplish the following tasks on DSC J/22s and Sonars.

  • Sand hull
  • Clean hulls and topsides
  • Detail waterlines (i.e. cleaning brown stains)
  • Compound and wax topsides
  • Paint prep (solvent wipedown, mask waterline)
  • Paint hull

Please only arrive at the start time that matches your registration.

Due to the limitations of using power sanders, we can only accommodate 6 volunteers for that time slot.  After the sanding is complete and power cords cleaned up it will be all hands on deck to accomplish the remainder of tasks!