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Winter Social @ Barfly's after Frostbiting

  • 16 Feb 2019
  • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Barfly's 620 E Fort Ave, Baltimore, MD 21230


Registration is closed

Winter Social @ Barfly's 4 - 7 PM

After Frostbiting!

Join in with fellow friends, sailors, and members at Barfly's neighborhood restaurant and bar on Saturday, February 16 from 4-7 PM. 

Barfly's is renowned for it's friendly owner Mike, as well as it's "Whiskey and Pizza." 

It's a great place to grub and a warm and cozy place for a drink, too. Please be sure to RSVP so we know to prepare for you! The DSC will order a few rounds of Old Bay Wings and Pretzel Bites but the rest is on you! The mustard for the bites is GREAT, by the way!

See you there!