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2018 Spinnaker Clinic

  • 14 Apr 2018
  • 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • DSC docks - roundup at the gate
  • 23


  • whether you are a free agent or you have someone to sail with already, please sign up so we know you are coming and have your attendance on record!
  • Please register here if you are a skipper and plan to sail and attend the chalk talk.

Registration is closed

2018 Spinnaker Clinic - 11-5PM Apr. 14th

As part of our preparations for the 2018 racing season we will be running a clinic on Spinnaker handling on the J/22's.  All racing teams, new and returning are encouraged to participate.  Non-racing skippers and crew are welcome as well, but please be aware that this will be an advanced clinic.  All sailors should have at minimum a technical understanding of upwind and downwind sailing and a familiarity with sail controls for de-powering.  

We will start with a Chalk Talk at 11, followed immediately by a dockside demonstration on one of the J/22's. After a quick lunch break we will get out on the water to practice, probably wrapping up the day with a couple quick fun races.

After derigging the boats, we will finish the day with a debrief, followed by a happy hour at Little Havana.

Topics/areas of focus will include:

  1. Boat set up and rigging
  2. Breakdown of each boat member's role and responsibilities
  3. Sets
  4. Gybes
  5. Douses
  6. Trimming
  7. Downwind boathandling

**Lifejackets are Required**


Event will be $10.00 per person, with all proceeds going to the racing program for new racing equipment.

Event registration is limited to 10 boats (1 skipper and 3 crew per boat).

Sail Fast!!!