Registration opens four weeks prior to the event.
Discover DSC Cruising!
Spend the weekend sailing with fellow-DSCers to Rock Hall and back. Set sail on Saturday for Rock Hall. Learn what cruising is all about to see if you would like to upgrade your membership to Cruising Crew.
Open to any novice cruisers. You do not need to be a member of the DSC's cruising program. All expenses (slip fees, fuel etc.) will be shared equally by everyone.
All expenses (slip fees, fuel etc.) will be shared equally by everyone. You will have access to hot showers and restaurants. Bring your towel, pillow, bed sheets or sleeping bag and sunscreen.
Your skipper will contact you regarding preparations and arrangements. Skippers must file a FLOAT PLAN with the DSC office and a friend. If you're driving to the DSC and parking there overnight, please print out this OVERNIGHT PASS and leave it on your dash.
If you're interested in this cruise but find it to be filled up, PEASE JOIN THE WAITLIST. We actively monitor the list and will do our best to accommodate you.
For questions or any further info, please email MOST IMPORTANT, HAVE FUN!
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 •
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