Sail with veteran DSC member and legendary DSC Cruiser Bob Baginski aboard his own 38' Bavaria, Makani, to Mears Great Oak Landing Marina near Fairlee Creek in Chestertown. Dock at the marina and enjoy its superb amenities. This cruise is open to all DSC members; you do not need to be a cruising member to go on this wonderful trip. The transient slip at the marina runs about $105 which will be shared equally by all crew. There may be additional miscellaneous expenses (fuel, pump-outs etc.) which will also be shared equally by all crew.
Bring your towel, pillow, bed sheets or sleeping bag and sunscreen. You will depart from Markley's Marina at 233 Nanticoke Road in Essex, MD, which is where Makani is docked.
Your skipper will contact you regarding preparations and arrangements. Skippers must file a FLOAT PLAN with the DSC office and a friend.
Registration for this cruise is now open.
If you're interested in this cruise, but find it to be filled up, PLEASE JOIN THE WAITLIST. We actively monitor the waitlist and will do our best to accommodate you, but you can also feel free to contact us at about your waitlist entry.
For questions or any further info, please contact DSC Cruising. If you have any questions for the skipper, please email Bob Baginski. We are extremely grateful to Bob for so kindly offering his vessel for this cruise. MOST IMPORTANT, HAVE FUN!
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 •
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