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DSC Community Day

  • 10 Dec 2016
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • 1425 Key Highway


Registration is closed

The Downtown Sailing Center is excited to invite you to a celebration of our community. The DSC has nine programs that serve over 2,500 constituents each year and we are dedicated to making sailing accessible to everyone in Baltimore. So let's celebrate!

This celebration will be under the pavilion but with heat lamps, warm food and great company. We will be honoring our top volunteers, celebrating an exciting dock project and go sailing!

As part of our celebration we would like to give back to our community with a book and clothing drive for our newest sailors the youth of Bay Brook Elementary/Middle School. Our youth are ages 5-14 and need books and warm clothing for the winter months. 

More details to follow! We look forward to seeing everyone on December 10th!