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Cruiser Sunday

  • 25 Sep 2016
  • 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • DSC Dock A
  • 0


Registration is closed

A leisurely Sunday cruise on the Harbor and the Patapsco. Skipper's choice as to how to far out to sail, weather permitting.  All Cruising Crew and Cruising Skippers who have paid their upgrade fee are eligible to participate. This is an all-day sailing event.  Your skipper, Dino Frangos, will contact you regarding preparations and arrangements.  You will be sailing on one of our newest yachts, "Island Girl," an O'day 35!

If sailing beyond the Key Bridge, skippers must file a FLOAT PLAN with the DSC office and a friend. (Sample template available on the DSC website's Resource page.) Crew is expected to assist in departing and docking, trimming the sails, and navigation. PFDs to be worn at all times.  Bring lunch, snacks, water and sun screen.  Most important, HAVE FUN!