Join the Downtown Sailing Center Staff, Board of Directors, volunteers, members, and program partners for our Annual General Meeting. 2013 Marked an incredible year at the Downtown Sailing Center. TheAnnual General Meeting is a great opportunity for all of out members to share their experiences, provide input, raise questions and learn about the direction of the DSC for 2014. Schedule and Topis to be covered: AGM Schedule of Events:
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM: Registrations and Introduction of Agenda
5:15 PM - 5:45 PM: First Break Out Session
5:45 PM - 6:15 PM: Second Break Out Session
6:30 PM: 2013 Season in Review and 2014 Goals
6:45 PM: AGM Social
Topics to be covered include:
This event will take place in the Decker Gallery located in the BMI(1415 Key Highway) Following the scheduled sessions of the AGM we will be hosting January Member Social. This is a pot-luck Social for all members, family and friends of the DSC.
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 •
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