Women on the Water (WOW)
Racing Clinic
An all-volunteer effort to increase access to sailing for women and non-binary people.
The Downtown Sailing Center's mission is to create an environment of inclusion. Sailing has been a traditionally male-dominated sport; WOW is meant for the development of skills and confidence for women by learning from women.
These events are specifically to give women the confidence to join a race team either as a crew or skipper. SAILING EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED for this session!
If you are already checked out as a DSC skipper, sign up to volunteer! This will allow you to develop your skills while helping others! We are in need of at least 5 skipper volunteers for these race clinics.
If you have questions, email rena@downtownsailing.org
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 • info@downtownsailing.org
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