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2021 New Skipper Scavenger Hunt

  • 06 Nov 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • DSC


Registration is closed

Baltimore Treasure: New Skipper Scavenger Hunt Social

November 6, 2021 12-4pm

Hi new skippers who qualified in 2021!

We are excited about all the new membership at the DSC this past year and want to celebrate our new 2021 skippers with a fun social event since you all play a vital role in building connections and getting other members out on the water!

You’ve all passed your skipper check-out, but let’s take this opportunity to get a refresher on some basics and learn new things because knowledge is power. We will kick the day off with a talk from one of our more seasoned skippers to go over some cool sailing skills to have in your pocket, and then we will get out on the water to put them into action.

After that we are going to build teams and go on a scavenger hunt in the harbor. You will be looking for objects and markings with the help of a map and some clues, and upon returning to the docks, you can share what you saw on your cruise. For those with a competitive spirit, you will be winning all the cool points and bragging rights for finishing first. The consolation prize for everyone is a fun day spent on the water with friends!

The day fleet will have reservations blocked off for this event, so all you need to do is show up and have fun!  Please sign up here… and we will see you on November 6th.

Please note, this event is for skippers who qualified in 2021.  If you have questions about the event, please email Elizabeth and Erin at