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Spring Work Party 1

  • 06 Mar 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center
  • 17


Registration is closed

Racing Work Party 1 - J/22 numbers 11, 10, 9, 8

The time has come to start prepping the fleet and facilities for the 2021 season!  This spring, due to ongoing pandemic concerns, we will be doing smaller work days at the DSC to accomplish tasks on a few boats at a time.  No experience is necessary.  We will provide all needed supplies and tools.  Just bring a positive attitude, and wear something that you don't mind if it gets dirty.

We will assign 1 racing team per J/22.  Teams will be responsible for accomplishing the following tasks for each boat:

  • Sand hull
  • Clean hulls and topsides
  • Detail waterlines (i.e. cleaning brown stains)
  • Compound and wax topsides
  • Paint prep (solvent wipedown, mask waterline)
  • Paint hull

March work party schedule:

  • March 6: J/22s 11, 10, 9, and 8
  • March 13: J/22s 7, 6, 5, 4
  • March 20: J/22s 3, 2, 1
  • March 27: Weather make-up

Contingent on getting all tasks and a full coat of paint done on Saturday, we will be looking for volunteers on Sundays to apply a second coat to the waterline and foils.

If your team has a specific day and/or boat you would like to sign up for, please let me know.  Alternatively, if your team would like to work on a boat on a flexible schedule (ie weekday afternoons/evenings), I am happy to make supplies available as needed.