This day is open to all participants, but we encourage participants who have siblings to bring them along. Come out and meet other families and enjoy a day on the water!
Our two boat choices are "Access Dinghy" and "Sonar Keelboat." The Access Dinghy is a small two person sailboat that is specifically made for people with limited mobility. They are easy to sail and can be sailed solo, with a family member or friend, or a DSC volunteer sailing buddy.
NEW THIS SEASON: When you register to sail, please pick the type of boat and the session, either Session 1- 10am, or session 2 - 11am. If you are unsure which boat you would like to sail, just pick a session and indicate when you register that you are unsure of your boat selection. We will assign you a boat based on space and availability. The DSC strives to give everyone the opportunity to sail, but we have a limited number of boats and volunteers, so occasionally we may have to make small changes to boat assignments.
Note: If you decide that you want to switch the type of boat to sail after registering, please let the staff know the morning of the event and we will try to accommodate this change.
We welcome participants to attend as many weeks as they are able, but we ask for participants to remember that space is limited and we want to help as many people as possible.
If you have further questions about the Access-ability Program, please feel free to contact Volunteer Coordinator
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 •
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