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Spring Cruising Work Party

  • 30 Mar 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Meet at Containers in Lot, then head over to TYSC


  • If you are new to boat maintenance, or if you are not familiar with operating machine buffers, orbital sanders, and you have not painted with rollers, please sign up under this category. No prior experience is needed for this type of work, and a willing spirit and able body is all that is required to help with these tasks.
  • If you have used a machine buffer, orbital sander, paint roller, or other similar items please sign up under this category

Registration is closed
Cruisers and Volunteers Arise!  Frolic and Square One need your TLC, as their bottoms haven't seen the light of day in years! Your efforts will help prepare our fleet for our April 6 Open House and DSC kick-off.

The DSC has some materials, but bring your small step-ladders, orbital sanders, shop vacs, extension chords, and work clothes.

The first step for the hulls will be to lightly sand the bottoms, mask everything, and clean the vessels for painting. In addition to prepping the hulls, the topsides need to be cleaned, compounded, and waxed in order to remove the gunk and junk from the sides.

After the boats have been prepped for painting, additional teams will be needed to roll the new paint on the boats. With steady work, two coats of paint can be applied in one day.

It is important to register for these work events, and just as important to volunteer for them! Our cruising program relies on volunteer support, and we count on volunteers like you to keep the boats in shipshape condition!

If the work party is rained out, work will resume on Sunday, the following day.