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Winter Work Party

  • 26 Jan 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Meet at the picnic tables near the Docks
  • 15


  • Prepare the rubrails for reapplication to the sides of the boats. These volunteers may be using razor blades and/or sharp chisels and must have a strong working knowledge of how to use these tools. Volunteers will remove the old sealant from the rubrails and from the sides of the vessel, also using Acetone to clean up the residue. Volunteers must wear nitrile gloves during the cleaning process.
  • A team of two will haul Mary Anna and prepare her for repainting and a compound/wax bath. The Power Squadron is used for many of our programs, including education, racing, access-ability sailing, and our outreach programs. This team of two will need to operate a power vessel and have skills in towing trailers, operating a trailer at a ramp, and using various types of Jacks.
  • Jared and Friends have spent a lot of time prepping the rudders for the day fleet. There is still more to do, though. Help the DSC move toward ablative paint by donning a dust mask and ear protection and sanding the rudders down to the gel-coat so we can build them back up with a barrier coat and ablative antifouling paint.
  • We are going to add side-walls to our boat canopy and fully secure the structure so we can work in a heated, well-maintained space for the winter. This project will require a substantial amount of physical labor and good teamwork skills.
  • Using an electric buffer, this team of 2 will clean and wax the Boston Whaler 'Mary Anna'. Participants will need to wear a dust mask, eye protection, appropriate clothing, and must be comfortable using power tools.
Put on the gloves and don that respirator! It's time to go to work!

The Fall Work Parties were successful in improving the sail-ability and function above-decks - with a special focus on the winches and brightwork on our daysailors. Volunteers learned how to mask, sand, 

The Winter Work Parties are going to focus on improving the boats BELOW the waterline! This means lots of sanding and meticulous cleaning, masking, and painting.

This Saturday, we will be attaching sidewalls to the canopy cover to seal our winter work space, as well as addressing specific winterization needs for our fleet as we move into the season of limited use.

Don't forget to bundle up after registering online, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Also, stick around for Frostbiting to follow.