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Women on the Water (WOW) 9/18

  • 18 Sep 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 1425 Key Highway


  • Teach other women what you know!

Women on the Water (WOW)

 An all-volunteer effort to increase access to sailing for all women and non-binary people.

There are two levels of WOW events: beginner and racing. If you are interested in learning more about sailing or getting introduced to sailing, please join as a beginner on WOW Mondays.

 If you have some experience but maybe want to try your hand at skippering, you may register as a beginner. A volunteer can help you learn how to drive a boat safely.

If you are already checked out as a DSC skipper, please sign up to volunteer skipper. This will allow you to develop your skills while boosting other women. We cannot run this program without your support!

WOW will take place on the first and third Mondays from May-September.

The Downtown Sailing Center welcomes women and non-binary people of all skills and experience levels to participate with us, including non-DSC-members.

A small fee for nonmembers of $30/session helps us maintain our boats. If you think you will be attending multiple events, please consider joining as a member of the DSC!

If you have further questions, email