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Kids Night Out!

  • 22 Jun 2013
  • 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • DSC Docks and Hercules Building


  • All crew and skipper level DSC members qualify for the 20% of rate.
  • The cost includes the price of pizza and drinks.

Registration is closed
Want to have a night out in the city? Do your kids love to sail? Then have them attend one of our Parent Night Out Events!

Drop off your young sailors at 5:00PM and watch them head out on our access dinghy fleet. They will sail through the course and watch the sun go down.

At 7:30PM the young sailors will head into the Hercules building (brick building on the property). To watch a sailing movie and eat some Ledo pizza.

You will pick up your participants at anytime between 8:30PM-9:00PM. 

If you have any questions regarding Parent Night Out please email Stuart Proctor at