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DSC "Win a Sailboat!" Raffle

  • 31 Dec 2012
  • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center


  • Purchase Five Raffle Tickets and You Receive a Bonus SIXTH Ticket!
  • Purchase Four Raffle Tickets
  • Purchase One Raffle Ticket
  • Purchase Three Raffle Tickets
  • Purchase Two Raffle Tickets

Registration is closed

The Downtown Sailing Center is hosting its end of the year fundraising event, "Win a Sailboat!" Raffle.

To purchase tickets, you may register for the number of tickets you wish to purchase up to six.  Once you have registered for the Ticket Purchase, you will be guided to a check out with our secure PayPal site.  You need not have a PayPal Account, and may process the online payment with your credit or debit card as a guest by scrolling down a bit on the PayPal link and then click "Guest." 

If you wish to purchase additional tickets at one time, - such as 10 or 12, or even 20!, please contact, Traci Mead, Office & Membership Manager, at 410-727-0722, or send an email to:

Details on the prizes you can enter to win:

First Prize: A Nomad Sailboat with Trailer - DELIVERED to your location (within 100 miles of the DSC.)  Comes with cover, sails, and is valued at $8,000.00!

Second Prize: A One-Year Skipper Level Membership with Cruising and Racing Upgrades (value $975.00)

Third Prize: A One-Week Juniors Adventure Camp at the DSC for a child age 8-16 (value $430.00)

*Prizes are transferrable if you wish to "gift" your prize to another person.