2024 Skipper re-checks
Every DSC skipper is required to complete a skills re-check every 2 years. Come out to this event to complete your re-check, and consider also registering for the Member Sail directly afterwards! Note that these re-checks are for dayfleet (J22/Sonar) skippers and must be completed on a J22 or Sonar.
The skills test for the re-check will be a departure, Quick-Stop POB, and docking. Throughout, instructors will be looking for good boat control and crew communications.
See full details on the re-checks, including a detailed rubric on the required skills here.
Note that this event is only for re-checks of skippers already in good standing with the DSC. Those interested in a first-time checkout can email info@downtownsailing.org to schedule.
Thank you for registering! These re-checks are important to the DSC to ensure the safety of everyone that sails aboard DSC vessels and to ensure the boats are well taken care of.