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Access Dinghy Work Party

  • 13 Sep 2012
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center Accessible Dock


  • The Dock team will be helping us make modifications to the dock by installing carpet on the railing system, rub rails on the dock, organizing dock boxes, and doing maintenance on the Hoyer Lifts. This team is responsible for making sure the facility is safe and functional and will put the finishing touches on the new docks!
  • This team will dedicate their day to the aesthetics of the fleet! Not only should we sail well, but we should look good doing it! The Buffers will attack the dinghies with wax, cleaner, grinders, buffing wheels, and good old fashioned elbow grease.
  • The rigging team will be going through all the booms and masts, making sure that the sails are connected properly, lines run smoothly, and modifying the outhaul system and mainsheet to make them easier to use.

Registration is closed
Its time to prep the Access Dinghies for the Ya' Gotta Regatta! Our goal is to make all the necessary performance repairs and modifications, and to also clean and wax the boats for long term looks and protection. 

This will be an evening work party, and we'll need as many hands as possible. We plan on working from 5:00PM to dusk so come when you can! 

The tasks that need to be accomplished are the following:

1. Strip dinghies of all gear, including rub rails.
2. Replace lines as needed per boat. 
3. Clean and wax the topsides and hulls of every dinghy. 
4. Organize and rinse equipment in dock boxes.