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CANCELED - Women on the Water (WOW)

  • 16 May 2022
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)
  • 1425 Key Highway
  • 4


  • Teach other women what you know!

Registration is closed

Women on the Water (WOW)

 An all-volunteer effort to increase access to sailing for all women and non-binary people.

The Downtown Sailing Center's mission is to create an environment of inclusion. Sailing has been a traditionally male-dominated sport; WOW is meant for the development of skills and confidence for women by learning from women.

There are two levels of WOW events: beginner and racing. If you are interested in learning more about sailing or getting introduced to sailing, please join as a beginner on WOW Mondays.

 If you have some experience but maybe want to try your hand at skippering, you may register as a beginner. A volunteer can help you learn how to drive a boat safely.

If you are already checked out as a DSC skipper, sign up to volunteer! This will allow you to develop your skills while boosting other women! 

WOW will take place on the first and third Mondays from May-September.

If your skills are more advanced and you are interested in racing or flying a spinnaker, we have clinics available on 4 different Saturdays throughout the year. These events are specifically to give women the confidence to join a race team either as a crew or skipper OR to practice using the spinnaker. 

The Downtown Sailing Center welcomes women and non-binary people of all skills and experience levels to participate with us, including non-DSC-members.

A small fee for nonmembers of $30/session helps us maintain our boats. If you think you will be attending multiple events, please consider joining as a member of the DSC!

If you have further questions, email