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Frostbiting 2019/2020

  • 14 Dec 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • DSC docks - roundup at the gate


  • whether you are a free agent or you have someone to sail with already, please sign up so we know you are coming and have your attendance on record!
  • Please register here if you are a skipper and plan to sail.

Registration is closed

2019/2020 Frostbite Racing - 12-3PM Dec. 14th

On your marks, get set...

Frostbite Racing at Downtown Sailing is back! Wrangle up your crew or sign up solo and head down to the docks for a quick, fun sail around the buoys.

No chalk talk today.  We'll meet at the docks at noon and race for a couple hours, planning to finish no later than 3pm.

Afterwards, head to Little Havana for the DSC Holiday Social!

Skippers are encouraged to save space for one or two crew.

**Lifejackets are Required**


The DSC hopes you will join us in making this frostbiting season a warm and enjoyable experience for all sailors and community members. If you are a member of the DSC, please sign up in the appropriate category online so we have record of your intention and attendance. 

Please note that frostbiting will not occur if the winds exceed 20 kt. Sailors participate at their own risk.

*These are Non-Spinnaker Races*

Sail Fast!!!