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Full Moon Sail

  • 12 Aug 2011
  • 6:30 PM - 9:59 PM
  • DSC/Baltimore Harbor


  • Cruising Crew member with cruising experience who has alerted DSC of desire to purse Cruising Skipper level certification
  • Volunteer Cruise Coordinator will make every effort to assign crew w/ this preference to a non-smoking cruiser
  • Please contact DSC Volunteer Cruising Coordinator, Frank Clark, via "send a message" function from within the DSC website, after registering a cruiser and/or advise of 1st Mate and/or smoking preference.

Registration opens 2 weeks prior to the event.
Registration is closed

Sail to the Key Bridge and watch the sunset, then return under dark with the full moon lighting the way.  An opportunity to experience night-time sailing.

Registration opens 30 days prior to the event and closes one week prior to the event.

All Cruising Crew who have paid their membership fee are eligible to participate in this event.

Register individually then notify the event coordinator if you wish to be paired with someone.

Your skipper will contact you regarding arrangements and preparations.

Skippers are asked to reserve a boat, and then register. Notify the event coordinator of your boat choice and first mate preference. If you have selected a first mate indicate the person’s name. If you are willing to be assigned a first mate from the sign-up list, indicate so.

Skippers will receive crew contact info, instructions, and sample contact letters to crew via the event coordinator. 

Skippers must also file a FLOAT PLAN with the DSC office (available on the RESOURCES page of the DSC website.) It is recommended that skippers file a float plan with a friend as well.

Event Coordinator – Becky Nowlan

Contact the Event Coordinator via the DSC website “send a message” function.