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Sail on Sandbagger BULL

  • 14 Oct 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • DSC Docks


  • This is for persons who have familiar knowledge with the sandbaggers - have sailed them multiple times or are avid experienced sailors who have sailed them before - and/or cruising skippers who have strong working knowledge of spring lines, etc.

    The purpose of the BULL and BEAR sailing program is to get more and new people out on the water - so please limit your reservations but thank you so much for helping with the management of the boat while it is in Baltimore!
  • The purpose of the BULL and BEAR sailing program is to get more and new people out on the water - so please limit your number of sailing reservations but thank you so much for sailing with us while the BULL is in Baltimore!

    If you are new to sailing or new to sailing on a Sandbagger, sign up HERE!

Registration is closed

Join your fellow sailors for an exciting sail on the Sandbagger BULL!

Two Sandbagger boats, BEAR and BULL, have their home at the National Sailing Hall of Fame in Annapolis Maryland. BEAR will be on loan to the DSC through the month of October.

BULL and BEAR are modern reproductions of sandbaggers based on ANNIE, a sandbagger with a winning history launched in 1880 and raced in Georgia, Florida and Long Island Sound. Over 130 years later, ANNIE is still around, on display at Mystic Seaport Museum.

Check out this link to find out more about the Sandbaggers!