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Keelboat Instructor Training 402

  • 09 Dec 2017
  • 12:00 PM
  • 10 Dec 2017
  • 4:00 PM


  • Come one, come all. Welcoming All Instructors but DON'T be LATE!

Registration is closed

UPDATE: on for Sunday!!!

Open to all sailors, but with a special focus on Basic Keelboat Instructor Updates and Basic Keelboat Instructor Wanna-be's. 

Two days of bookwork, ropework, homework, chalk talks, docktalks, and a few brainstorming sessions.

Work on your Chalk Talk Presentations and learn more details about new DSC policies in effect, including docking protocol and teaching strategies; first aid and emergency action procedures; and other important info for instructors.

This weekend is a must-attend class for Basic Keelboat Instructors, Adult Ed Instructors, and DSC community sailors who want to be Instructors.

Plan on 70% land-based time and 30% water time. Dress appropriately for the weather and pack a lunch. Hard start at 10 AM both days and we'll wrap up by 4 PM.

DSC members and friends who are not members are welcome to attend, but the course material is designed for those who already have some advanced skills. Consider this a 400 level class.