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Participant Registration: ATAXIA Access-Ability Event SPECIAL EVENT

  • 10 Jun 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
  • Downtown Sailing Center "A" Dock
  • 5


  • Please arrive between 9:50 and 10:30 AM to ensure adequate sailing time and ease of transfer.

Registration is closed

!!!Special event for Ataxia Center participants!!!

Registration code required to register

This no-cost, volunteer-run program allows individuals with disabilities to experience the freedom of sailing and help them learn to sail.

Sailors come to the Downtown Sailing Center (DSC) and are assisted, guided, coached and often accompanied by a tireless group of volunteers, friends and family.

No experience is necessary, and some beginners are able to solo sail (if they want to) on their first or second time out in our small, non-capsizable Access dinghies. Participants are welcome to sail with their friends or families, or they can arrive on their own and sail with one of our volunteers.

Our two boat choices are "Access Dinghy" and "Sonar Keelboat." The Access Dinghy fleet is the primary fleet for our Access-ability Program. If you would like to sail on a Sonar, you may indicate your desire to do so. Please understand that space on these boats is limited, however. The DSC strives to give everyone the opportunity to sail, but we have a limited number of Sonars.

We welcome participants to attend as many weeks as they are able, but we ask for participants to remember that space is limited and we want to help as many people as possible.

If you have further questions about the Access-ability Program, please feel free to contact Stuart via