DSC Cruising plans to take two - three cruisers plus several other boats over to Rock Hall for Pirates and Wenches Fantasy Weekend,August 12 – 15. See: http://www.rockhallpirates.com for details.
Part 2: One or two cruisers leave on Saturday August 13 to raft up with the anchor boat, which left on Friday. Participants in this cruise will stay overnight on the boat and, since all of the boats will be at anchor, will take a dinghy to shore to enjoy the festivities. Additional details TBD.
This Cruise is open to DSC Cruising Skippers and Cruising Crew who have paid their upgrade fee. All expenses (slip fees, fuel etc.) will be shared equally by everyone. Bring your towel, pillow, bed sheets or sleeping bag and sunscreen. Limit 3 crew + skipper.
Reserve your spot by registering today! If the event is full, then please add your name to the waiting list. Additional spots may open up if we use another DSC cruiser or we can get cruisers from outside of the DSC to join us.
The Downtown Sailing Center
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230(410) 727-0722 • info@downtownsailing.org
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