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Volunteer Registration Ya' Gotta Regatta: Sunday

  • 18 Sep 2016
  • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center "A" Dock


  • Help us sort and handout the awards to our participants during the awards ceremony!
  • Help guide participants down to their designated boats on the docks, assist with wheelchairs etc.
  • Welcome and sign in participants and help them put on life jackets etc.
  • Help us get lunch set up under the pavilion, this includes helping to prepare food, set up tables etc.
  • Help us prepare the boats for the Regatta by setting up the sails, loading the dinghies into the water and de-rigging them after the event.
  • Ride with the powerboat operator and help coach the participants while they are on the water. Sailing exp required.
  • Help participants navigate the course while driving the powerboat. Powerboat exp and license req.
  • Race with our very special participants in the Access Dinghy regatta. Prior Access Dinghy sailing experience helpful, but not required.
  • Help the transfer lead to use the hoyer lift to transfer participants in and out of the boats.
  • Please choose your preferred arrival time. Feel free to email Lynn Handy at with any questions.

Registration is closed
Thank you for volunteering for the 2015 Ya' Gotta Regatta. This Regatta would not be possible without your volunteer support.

The day is going to start early with boat rigging beginning at 8:30AM with the first race starting at 9:30AM.

We will have three heats of racing including a sonar fun race!

The DSC needs volunteers to fill the following positions:
  • lunch prep
  • awards prep
  • rigger and de-rigger of boats
  • sailing buddies
  • greeters
  • transfer aids
  • safety boat operator
  • safety boat coach
  • J22 and sonar skippers to take participants out on the day fleet boats 
  • cruising skippers to take participants out on the DSC cruising fleet
  • Escorts