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New Volunteer TRAINING: Access-Ability Saturday - August

  • 20 Aug 2016
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Downtown Sailing Center "A" Dock
  • 40


  • Please arrive at 1pm.

Registration is closed
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for one of the DSC's access-ability Saturday sailing sessions. They cannot be run without volunteer support and commitment. This is a 1 hour training session in preparation for our Accessible Saturday events. New volunteers can learn the ropes or if you have volunteered in the past come and brush up on your skills.  

We will be meeting at 1pm,  after the Accessible participants leave.  We will meet under the canopy at the end of the DSC docks ( by the Accessible Dinghies.) New Volunteers are welcome to show up early if they want to see an accessible event in action. Just be sure to let the volunteer coordinator know if you are coming early and what time you plan to arrive

We will start with introductions and do a quick dock run through of a typical Saturday, practice all of the important steps, run a Transfer Training, run a short disabilities awareness session and go over the new Accessible Volunteer Manual. Weather and time permitting volunteers may get a chance to sail our Access Dinghies to practice being a sailing buddy. 

The DSC typically needs volunteers to fill the following positions:
  • rigger and de-rigger of boats
  • sailing buddies
  • greeters
  • transfer aids
  • safety boat operator
  • safety boat coach
  • J22 and sonar skippers to take participants out on the day fleet boats 
  • cruising skippers to take participants out on the DSC cruising fleet
  • Escorts
We will go over each of the roles at the training session; however, if you are interested in learning about a specific role feel free to call the office at 410-727-0772 or email the volunteer coordinator Johanna Murphy or for questions regarding skipper/crew roles or the fleet, contact Stuart Proctor the DSC Programs and Education Manager at